Thursday, June 18, 2015

Northern Cardinals

Male Cardinal
 When we had baby ducks in our basement in January 2014 we got them a different feeder and put the old one outside on our patio. A pair of cardinals found it and discovered that we had left food in it.

Female Cardinal
The male cardinal has a red crest and plumage, a  black head and a pink beak. Female cardinals are tannish-brown with red on wings, tail, and crest. They make nests of     grass and twigs. The female will lay 3 to 4 spotted brown white eggs.
 The cardinal is the official bird of seven US states.  It is a very well known bird. The male will defend his territory by fighting off other male birds. The male cardinal will sometimes attack his own reflection in a window, mirror, or anything that he can see his reflection in.
In the picture below you will see a female cardinal, and another bird in the background. I think that  the bird in the background is a cowbird. I was taking a picture of the cardinal and didn't see the other bird, so I decided that it photobomed my picture. Once I saw the bird in my picure, I wanted to know what kind it was. I thought that it looked like a cowbird the most. So a cowbird photobombed my picture of a female cardinal.

A cowbird photobombed my picture


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