Friday, June 5, 2015

My Khaki Campbells

The Khaki Clan
 I was going to show my Khaki Campbells this year at the fair, but I got disappointing news this week that all poultry shows were canceled in the state of Ohio. I might end up showing my Khaki Campbells next year.

Khaki Campbells are a mix of an Indian Runner and a male Rouen. The person who developed the Khaki Campbell was Mrs. Adele Campbell. There are three different kinds of Khaki Campbell's: light,dark, and Khaki. I have dark Khaki Campbell's ,but I just call them Khaki Campbells.

Khaki Campbells weren't developed to be sitters. If a Khaki Campbell does go broody they will only keep it up for a few hours or days, not long enough to hatch eggs. If you want to hatch Khaki Campbell eggs you need to get an incubator. An incubator will keep them warm, so it is like a duck is sitting on the eggs.

The male Dark Khaki Campbells should have a beetle-green head and neck, and a light brown body  with penciling on the feathers. His legs should be orange and his bill a bluish-green.  The female Dark Khaki Campbell should be dark brown on the head and neck, light brown over the shoulders, breast, and flank, with dark brown pencilings on the feathers. Her back and tail are dark brown,her legs are close to her body color, and her bill is slatey brown.

I loved raising my Khaki Campbells and I think that they are very pretty ducks.
A female and male    
The day I got them
First day outside and first bath

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